'Leading the new Paradigm'
Virtual Event
28th - 30th October 2021
25 October 2021
Complimentary Session
In line with AGES commitment to sustainability and supporting our greater medical community, the Board have decided to make the opening session on the Change of Climate in Women's Health freely available to our other medical colleagues and the public.
For more information or to register for the complimentary session, please click here.
17 September 2021
Virtual Event Announcement
On behalf of Dr Stephen Lyons, AGES President, Dr Michael Wynn-Williams, ASM21 Conference Chair and AGES Treasurer, the ASM21 Organising Committee and the entire AGES Board, we wish to advise that due to the ongoing lockdowns and travel restrictions across Australia and New Zealand, the AGES XXXI Annual Scientific Meeting 2021 will, unfortunately, be held as a fully virtual meeting on 28th – 30th October 2021, and the AGES XXII Pelvic Floor Symposium will not proceed in 2021.
With the uncertainty around travel, quarantine and lockdowns, there is no realistic way that AGES can facilitate a face-to-face element of either meeting at this time. While we are disappointed that we are not able to meet in person, the AGES Board have agreed that this is the best option to move forward, highlighting that the health and wellbeing of our members and delegates remain at the forefront of our minds.
The AGES Pelvic Floor Committee are currently working to confirm a webinar to be held in early December, and further details will be made available in the coming months.
As always, your ongoing support of AGES is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact a team member at
We look forward to seeing you online in October and look forward to meeting face-to-face for the 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting on 10th – 12th March 2022 at the Crown Promenade Melbourne.
Stay positive and test negative!
COVID-19 has changed much of the way of life that we had grown accustomed to. The dramatic effects of the pandemic have created a stark definition between our pre and post COVID-19 existence. A significant change has been thrust upon us suddenly and without warning and we have been forced to adapt professionally and socially.
Although more change is sure to come, we are delighted to invite you to the 2021 AGES ASM, ‘Leading the new Paradigm’. This will be an AGES ASM with a difference! We look forward to inviting members from all around the world to our first Virtual ASM.
The 2021 AGES ASM will offer the best of previous ASMs including live surgery, panel discussions, and international guest speakers from around the world.
We will also hear from acclaimed national speakers who specialize in leadership and adaptation including; ‘Change Agent’ Kirstin Ferguson and Resilience and leadership expert, Heidi Dening. Comedian and climate activist Craig Reucassel will close this meeting with what is sure to be a mixture of entertainment and enlightenment.
Our new paradigm meeting will showcase members of the AGES community who are leading change within Australia and New Zealand on sustainability, wellbeing and innovation. We will also debut a session solely dedicated to surgical videos submitted by AGES members and trainees.
Our organising committee is excited to bring you this ASM program, aiming to equip us all for ‘Leading the new Paradigm’.
Michael Wynn-Williams
Conference Chair
AGES Treasurer
Kirsten Connan & Helen Green
Scientific Co-Chairs
AGES Directors
Conference Chair

Dr Michael Wynn-Williams
Treasurer, AGES
Conference Committee

Dr Helen Green
Director, AGES

Dr Kirsten Connan
Director, AGES