Pelvic Floor Symposium 2024: Across the Ages 

Free Communications

AGES invites abstracts for oral, video, and digital free communications at the AGES Pelvic Floor Symposium: Across the Ages. The Free Communications sessions will be held during the meeting, on the 26th and 27th July 2024

Free Communications Instructions

AGES invites abstracts for oral, video and digital free communications at the AGES Pelvic Floor Symposium 2024. The Free Communications sessions will be held during the meeting between Friday 26th and Saturday 27th July 2024.



  1. The abstract submission deadline is 11.59pm AEST on Wednesday 8th May 2024.
  2. All abstracts must be submitted online using the registration link. Faxed, posted, and abstracts submitted via any other email address will NOT be considered
  3. Abstracts must be in English language only
  4. Maximum 400 words/3050 characters with NO pictures, graphs, tables or images
  5. References are excluded from the word limit but must be restricted to THREE ONLY
  6. The decisions of the selection committee are final
  7. All oral/video presentations will be 7 minutes in duration with no exceptions
  8. Successful applicants for the Free Communications program will be notified by COB Friday 14th June 2024.
  9. Presenters of accepted abstracts are required to pay for registration to AGES Pelvic Floor Symposium by Friday 28th June 2024.
  10. All presentations at the Conference will be via the Conference laptops. No personal laptops will be used for presentations. All presentations will need to be uploaded at the Speaker’s Prep area. Details will be forwarded to you with acceptance of your abstract
  11. Any conflict of interest/sponsorship must be declared at the commencement of any presentation
  12. Failure to follow the instructions for submission of abstracts may result in rejection of your document
  13. A presenting author can only present a maximum of 2 presentations of any kind.
  14. By submitting an abstract you agree that the Copyright of the abstract(s) is assigned to AGES only for the purpose of publication in the Conference Abstract Book and (if applicable) media releases/reports
  15. NO changes to any abstracts will be accepted after 11.59pm AEDT on Wednesday 8th May 2024.
  16. Any questions should be directed to the secretariat at

PLEASE NOTE: Additional information for video submissions.

Abstracts for video presentations must be submitted in conjunction with the video file that will be presented. Please submit your abstract and video file in the following order

  1. Submit your abstract. Once submitted you will receive a confirmation with a Dropbox link and abstract ID number for uploading your video file.
  2. Upload your video file. Please ensure your video file name is in the following format; Last Name_First Name_Abstract ID Number and upload via the supplied Dropbox link
  3. Video files must not be longer than 7 minutes in duration. Video files longer than 7 minutes will not be reviewed and will be withdrawn.

Please note that when you proceed through the submission process you must click save, before moving on to the next step. Up until the close of abstract submission, you can log into your profile to continue your submission where you left it or make any changes. If you have any concerns please contact the secretariat office on +61 7 3368 2422.


For more information on the awards offered to successful Free Communication applicants, as well as other awards and scholarships, please visit the Awards page.