Lap-D Workshops

Please use the links below to registration for the Lap-D Workshops:

  • Saturday, 28th June 2025 (SOLD OUT)
  • Saturday, 16th August 2025 (SOLD OUT)
  • Saturday, 1st November 2025 (SOLD OUT)


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    Core Faculty

    Dr Michael Wynn-Williams, MBChB FRANZCOG
    Gynaecologist / Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeon

    Dr Danny Chou, MBBS FRANZCOG
    Gynaecologist / Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeon

    Target Audience

    RANZCOG Trainees (Senior Registrars Only) & Fellows

    Venue & Dates

    Medical Engineering and Research Facility
    Queensland University of Technology
    Prince Charles Hospital Campus
    Staib Rd, Chermside

    Saturday, 28th June 2025
    Saturday, 16th August 2025
    Saturday, 1st November 2025

    Registration Prices

    AGES Member $2,790

    The registration form can be accessed via the link in the header.

    Laparoscopic Anatomy & Pelvic Dissection (Lap D) Workshop

    Course Description

    The Lap D Workshop is a one-day course designed for Specialist and Trainee Obstetrician’s and Gynaecologist’s with laparoscopic skills who wish to expand their knowledge of pelvic and abdominal retroperitoneal anatomy while advancing their laparoscopic surgical dissection techniques.

    AGES aims to allow access to quality anatomy teaching by providing a number of courses that focus on a functional laparoscopic approach to pelvic anatomy. The dissection course allows for eighteen registrants to participate in lectures, undertake anatomical dissection on female fresh frozen donors and interact with highly skilled laparoscopic surgeons as they delve into the anatomical aspects of the female pelvis.

    An introductory lecture series is followed by two, three hour operating and dissection sessions, using fresh frozen female donors.

    The workshops are held at the Medical Engineering and Research Facility (MERF), Queensland University of Technology (QUT) facility in Brisbane.

    Three participants are assigned to each donor and will be closely supervised by an experienced advanced laparoscopic surgical instructor. Each participant will have the opportunity to operate, assist and observe to optimise the learning experience as they rotate evenly through each step.

    The course will focus on dissection of the pelvic side wall, with particular emphasis on the surgical layers, spaces and anatomical structures contained within.

    Retroperitoneal spaces around the bladder, pelvic floor, large bowel and kidneys will all be explored.

    All participants will be provided with pre-reading and copies of the presentations a week prior to the workshop.

    Registrants are expected to confidently increase their anatomical knowledge and awareness, allowing for improved surgical confidence, outcomes and reduced complications for their patients.


    Dr Michael Wynn-Williams
    Dr Danny Chou


    AGES Fellowship Program Trainee
    Specialist O&G RANZCOG

    LAP-D Course Objectives

    Facilitate the understanding of female pelvic anatomy and laparoscopic surgical dissection

    Lap-D Learning Outcomes

    1. Enhance knowledge of the anatomy of the female pelvis in relation to laparoscopic surgery with an emphasis on pelvic avascular spaces, pelvic nerve identification and sparing
    2. Develop an understanding of and practice laparoscopic dissection techniques with an emphasis on ureterolysis and access to the avascular spaces and planes
    3. Use anatomical principles to assist in the management of complex surgical procedures and intraoperative complications
    4. Appreciate that the acquisition of anatomical knowledge and dissection techniques improves surgical procedures and is a career-long process

    Pre-Workshop Learning

    Pre-Workshop learning is sent out prior to the event and is only available for those registered for the workshop.

    Course Program

    The final Course Program is sent out prior to the event and is only available for those registered for the workshop.

    Workshop consisting of 2 sessions, Lectures, and video presentations (60 min) followed by interactive rotational dissection, 3 surgeons per table (180 mins)

    Registration: 0715 (AEST)
    Close of workshop: 1730 (AEST)
    Timings are subject to change

    **Please note that your own smartphone is required for this workshop.

    CPD Points


    The AGES LAP-Dissection Workshop 2025 is RANZCOG CPD approved. Eligible Fellows of this college can claim 8.5 CPD Hours for full attendance.

    All attendance certificates will be emailed a week following the conference. Attendees will have access to download their certificates via their Currinda profile

    Please contact the AGES Secretariat if you have any questions regarding this workshop

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