Our faculty are compiled of both international and national presenters who are leaders in their field. A combination of virtual and in-person presentations will be compiled consecutively to bring you world class education even through these unusual times.
International Faculty

Dr Natasha Anushri Anandaraja
New York, USA
Anu Anandaraja is a Pediatric and Public Health physician trained in New Zealand and based in New York. She is plaintiff in a federal case against the Mount Sinai Health System for sex, age and race discrimination, and an activist for gender equity in academic and clinical medicine. She leads two organizations: Women Together Inc, promoting women's empowerment in eastern Africa, and COVID Courage, providing PPE to frontline workers in the U.S.

Prof Nicolas Bourdel
Clermont-Ferrand, France
Prof. Nicolas Bourdel is a Gynecological Surgeon at the CHU Estaing in Clermont-Ferrand, France. Pr Bourdel and his team worked in collaboration with Adrien Bartoli, professor of computer science, and his research laboratory to create the SurgAR software. The principle - augmented reality applied to gynecological surgery or how to build a 3D image from a real image of the patient's anatomy and her imaging data, "As if the patient were transparent". He and his team won the I-LAB 2019 innovation competition for their augmented reality software (SurgAR) suitable for laparoscopic surgery.

Dr Linda Bradley
Cleveland, USA
Linda Bradley is Professor of Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine and Director of the Center for Menstrual Disorders and Fibroids. She recently was appointed Medical Director of the AAGL. She is an internationally recognized gynecologic surgeon known for her expertise in diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy, fibroids and alternatives to hysterectomy.

Dr Jessica McMicking
London, United Kingdom
Jess McMicking is a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist with special interests in menstrual disorders and benign gynaecology, and high-risk obstetrics. She currently holds a Consultant post at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust in Central London. Jess undertook the majority of her specialist training in Sydney, Australia. In 2017 she came to the renowned St Thomas’ Hospital in London for her advanced training. In 2019, she was awarded her Fellowship to the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Prior to medicine, Jess completed an undergraduate degree in Nutrition and Health Sciences. Jess also recently founded a virtual platform during COVID-19 called ‘COVID Medical Education’ which provides nearly-daily lectures to medical students across the UK and Ireland.

Dr Kevin Teoh
London, United Kingdom
Dr Kevin Teoh is a Chartered Psychologist and the Programme Director of the MSc Organizational Psychology at Birkbeck, University of London. He is also the Executive Officer for the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology. His primary research interests are around developing healthier workplaces, and the translation of research into practice, policy, and public dissemination. Kevin has collaborated extensively with the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work and the Society of Occupational Medicine, and has a particular interest in the working conditions and wellbeing of healthcare workers.

Dr Silvia Vannuccini
Florence, Italy
Silvia Vannuccini, MD, PhD, is a Specialist in ObGyn and works as a Consultant at University Careggi Hospital in Florence, Italy. Her scientific and clinical interest is devoted to uterine disorders diagnosis and treatment, especially adenomyosis, endometriosis and uterine fibroids. She has expertise in transvaginal ultrasound and management of pelvic pain and abnormal uterine bleeding.
Natasha Anandaraja
Julie Cichero
Tenisha Coates
Caroline de Costa
Marilla Druitt
Lenore Ellett
Amy Feng
Stephen Ford
Louise Hull
Shamitha Kathurusinghe
Carolyn Jameson
Wentao Li
Further Faculty to be announced shortly.
Basia Lowes
Luke McLindon
Jessica McMicking
Gabriela Mena
Ben Mol
Helen O'Connell
Jennifer Pontre
Anand Senthi
Jessica Taylor
Kevin Teoh
Jared Watts